The Beat That My Heart Skipped (2004)
A young heavy, following in his father's violent footsteps yearns for something more.
Dheepan (2015)
The story of a Sri Lankan Tamil warrior who flees to France and ends up working as a caretaker outside Paris.
Emilia Perez (2024)
A lawyer gets an offer to help a cartel boss start a new life.
Paris, 13th District (2021)
Émilie meets Camille who is attracted to Nora, who crosses paths with Amber. Three girls and a boy - They're friends, sometimes lovers and often both.
A Prophet (2009)
An illiterate teenager struggles when he is sent to jail, but after embarking on a series of "missions" for a gang leader, he begins to hatch plans of his own.
Read My Lips (2001)
Deaf secretary and ex-con plan robbery of drugs money from night club owner.
Rust And Bone (2012)
A bare-knuckle boxer embarks on a relationship with an injured whale trainer.
The Sisters Brothers (2018)
Two assassins set out into the wilderness on the trail of a man with a secret.

An island in the darkness Moin Hussain on creating the world of Sky Peals

Mirroring Monica Vitti Roberta Torre on Monica Vitti, Alba Rohrwacher, Shigeru Umebayashi and Mi Fanno Male I Capelli

Bonello, the time traveller France’s maverick on sci-fi, loneliness, music and working with Léa Seydoux

Secrets through the smoke Anna Hints and Tushar Prakash on code-switching and capturing the unsaid in Sauna Day

The weight of the past Muayad Alayan and Sheherazade Farrell on Palestinian experiences and A House In Jerusalem

Cousins and Swinton take a bow at Karlovy Vary World premiere of documentary about pioneering woman artist

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We're looking forward to the Tribeca Film Festival, Docs Ireland and the Fantasia International Film Festival.

We've recently covered Cannes, Fantaspoa, Queer East, Visions du Réel and New Directors/New Films.

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